
Unfortunately, the last several days I’ve been down with what feels like the flu. So what does an author do with that sort of free time? Well, the main answer is keep writing. (Book two is coming right along!) In my case, you also come up with a giveaway, woot! That’s right, the paperback version of Prince of Light is FINALLY available.

Go to Goodreads to check it out. (Note: Must be a member of Goodreads to enter the contest. Yeah, I know. But it’s a pretty cool site and why are you not on it anyway??) 😀

Good luck!

Another Contest Coming Your Way

This time it’s not for my book, but it’s still another great contest to enter! (Aren’t you just thrilled with all the freebies that are being thrown your way? I know you are!) Since I’m lame and haven’t been able to blog as regularly as I normally would, I’m trying to make up for it any way that I can. The lovely Michelle (who let me be a guest on her blog a while back, if you remember) is now hosting a giveaway for her book, Kindar’s Cure. You’ll also get to help her decide on which really awesome cover she’s going to have. (I’m torn between a couple of them, personally.) I’ll admit that I haven’t read the book yet, but the description sounds like something right up my alley. In fact, I sense a guest post by her in the very near future. She’s a super nice person and quite a gifted writer, so give her a looksie.

Contest and covers here!

Also, congrats to the two lovely ladies who won the copies of Prince of Light! I hope you enjoy it. 🙂

50th Post!

Woohoo! This is officially my 50th post. Quite the accomplishment, I think.

The timing couldn’t be more perfect to celebrate, because the lovely T.J. (who let me be a guest on her blog earlier this month) is hosting a giveaway for Prince of Light. Seems to be fitting, don’t you think? The winner(s) will have their choice of either an e-copy or paperback.

Details and entry form here.

I’m really excited for the paperback version to be finally available. It’s pretty sweet, if I do say so myself, though I might be a *tad* biased. You can read more about Prince of Light here at Amazon. Join me in the celebrating, will ya? A party’s no fun by yourself!