I Dream, Therefore I’m Messed Up

Man, had some FUNKY dreams last night. I’m one of those people who dreams a lot anyway, which is actually where several of my story ideas have come from, but this was a lot even for me. Sometimes my dreams have meaning…other times not so much. Last night was more along the “not so much” lines.

It was one of those nights where you have random panicky thoughts for no reason. Like, you dream that you’re setting up a photo shoot with some friends and everything’s just fine when you suddenly remember that YOU NEVER ACTUALLY ASKED FOR THE DAY OFF WORK WHICH MEANS THAT YOU JUST NEVER SHOWED UP AND ARE PROBABLY FIRED AND OMG WHERE’S MY PHONE.

Yeah. Panic.

Then I would get distracted by something else, remember that I still hadn’t called into work and panic all over again because I still couldn’t find my stupid phone. Then I remembered that I was supposed to wear a particular t-shirt and couldn’t find it, which caused MOAR PANIC.

Mario Panic

Needless to say, it resulted in really not feeling all that rested. And I had to frantically look through my phone once I actually woke up to make sure there wasn’t some appointment or something that my brain was subconsciously telling me about. (To my knowledge, there’s not. Guess I’ll find out later if there was.)

What did we ever do without smart phones? Seriously. I lived without one for 29 years, and now I can’t fathom how on earth I managed it. Google calendar FTW.